BYOP (Bring Your Own Prompt) Live Journaling *Member’s Only*

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event.  Just a reminder this event is *members only* and will be BYOP (bring your own prompt). This is a JoClub staple where we never end where we began. The community comes together with their thoughts and questions that we transform into journaling prompts that […]

Theme: Manifesting Hosted by Maya

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event. Join here for 4 live journaling sessions a month!  In honor of this month’s Gratitude theme, the JoClub family is hosting a live journaling session where we  we take what we're grateful for and manifest it into our next chapter. Get ready to plot the […]


JoClub Live Journaling Theme: 2022 Recap Hosted by Remi

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event. Join here for 4 live journaling sessions a month!  In honor of the last month of 2022, the JoClub family is hosting a live journaling session where recap our wins, our triumphs, our connections, and our mindset so we can plant seeds for the future. It's essential […]


BYOP (Bring Your Own Prompt) Live Journaling *Member’s Only* Hosted by Maya

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event.  Just a reminder this event is *members only* and will be BYOP (bring your own prompt). This is a JoClub staple where we never end where we began. The community comes together with their thoughts and questions that we transform into journaling prompts that […]

Journaling Music Party Hosted by Lea (Rescheduled to 2023)!

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get 50% off this event. Join here for 4 live journaling sessions a month and discounts to special events. Calling all music lovers! Now is your time to connect with the world, your favorite songs, and yourselves! Join us for a music journaling party where we come with our […]

BYOP (Bring Your Own Prompt) Live Journaling *Member’s Only* Hosted by Taleen

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event.  Just a reminder this event is *members only* and will be BYOP (bring your own prompt). This is a JoClub staple where we never end where we began. The community comes together with their thoughts and questions that we transform into journaling prompts that […]

Live Journaling Theme: 2023 Planning Hosted by Jo Franco

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event. Join here for 4 live journaling sessions a month!  AHHH! It's time to start planning 2023! We're going to guide you through to make this next year the most successful, memorable, and mindful one yet! The JoClub family is hosting a live journaling session where we analyze […]


BYOP (Bring Your Own Prompt) Live Journaling *Member’s Only* Hosted by Remi

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event.  Just a reminder this event is *members only* and will be BYOP (bring your own prompt). This is a JoClub staple where we never end where we began. The community comes together with their thoughts and questions that we transform into journaling prompts that […]

Live Journaling MUSIC PARTY: 2023 Anthem Hosted by Lea & Remi

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event. Join here for 4+ live journaling sessions a month!  This live Journaling MUSIC PARTY: 2023 Anthem hosted by Lea & Remi will be the first musical journaling session we host! It'll be like BYOP, but you bring a SONG instead! We'll play 30 seconds of the […]


BYOP (Bring Your Own Prompt) Live Journaling *Member’s Only* Hosted by Jo

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event.  Just a reminder this event is *members only* and will be BYOP (bring your own prompt). This is a JoClub staple where we never end where we began. The community comes together with their thoughts and questions that we transform into journaling prompts that […]

Live Journaling Theme: Courage

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Time is in EST! JoClub members get access to this event. Join here for 4 live journaling sessions a month!  Courage is something that we often sweep under the confidence rug, but today, we're diving head first into the things that scare us and coming out of the other end with some insights! Join us for our first […]
